Kodak 3A - Boca Raton Inlet Bridge

Ratio: 1+4
Development Time: 12 minutes
Temperature: 68F / 20C
Camera: Kodak 3A Autographic (Early 1900’s)
Film: Ilford Delta 100 – 120
Notes: 2 of 4 shots were good. (1st and 4th – Two Middle Exposures were no good)

Pour Developer in Tank – Agitate for 10 seconds
1 Minute – Agitate for 10 seconds
2 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds
3 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds
4 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds
5 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds
6 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds
7 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds
8 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds
9 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds
10 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds
11 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds
12 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds

Stop Bath:
Fill with cold tap water – 5 Turns and Empty
Fill with cold tap water – 10 Turns and Empty
Fill with cold tap water – 20 Turns and Empty

Fill tank with Fixer and Agitate 3 Turns
2 Minutes – Agitate 3 Turns
3 Minutes – Agitate 3 Turns
4 Minutes – Agitate 3 Turns
5 Minutes – Agitate 3 Turns and Pour Fixer Out

Final Rinse:
Fill with Distilled water and agitate 3 times – Pour water out
Fill again with fresh Distilled water and agitate 6 times – Pour water out
Fill again with fresh Distilled water and agitate 12 times – Pour water out
Put Soapy Water In and agitate 24 times
Squeege with finger and hang film to dry

Kodak 3A - Boca Raton Spanish River Library - Boca Raton, FL
Kodak 3A – Boca Raton Spanish River Library – Boca Raton, FL