Graflex Speed Graphic - 4x5 Anniversary - Test Photo

I found some time today to take the Speed Graphic out for some test shots. I brought 6 film holders with me and wound up taking two photos. I could have taken more, but I was more anxious to get something so I could rush home and develop the negatives. My focus was really on verifying the glass and ensuring there were no leaks.

Here’s the first shot I took. It’s one of the center fountains on the north end of Mizner Park in Boca Raton, FL. The photo was taken in full sunlight on Ilford Delta 100 B&W Film and developed for 15 minutes in my Caffenol – Ilford Delta 100 Recipe.

Graflex Speed Graphic - 4x5 Anniversary - First Test Photo

And here is the second shot I took. This is main fountain in the center of Mizner Park in Boca Raton, FL. The photo was also taken in full sunlight on Ilford Delta 100 B&W Film and developed for 15 minutes in my Caffenol – Ilford Delta 100 Recipe.

Graflex Speed Graphic - 4x5 Anniversary - Test Photo

Overall, I’m truly ecstatic with the results and am looking forward to getting to know this camera better. The lens, bellows, shutter, ground glass, lens board, etc… all work well.