Author: <span>bokeh</span>

Kodak – No.2 Folding Cartridge Premo

Kodak – No.2 Folding Cartridge Premo – Inspection and Cleaning. See the following images of my version of this camera and links to good resources regarding this model. Overall, the camera is in great shape, but needed a nice dusting and cleaning. I’ll be taking it out soon to get some ‘first shoot’ photos. Kodak…

Ilford – Delta 100 – Full Ilford Development

Summary:Ratio: 1+4Development Time: 12 minutesTemperature: 68F / 20CFilm: Ilford Delta 100Notes: Development:Pour Developer in Tank – Agitate for 10 seconds1 Minute – Agitate for 10 seconds2 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds3 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds4 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds5 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds6 Minutes – Agitate for 10…

Iford Ilfotec-DDX – Ilford Delta 100

Summary:Ratio: 1+4Development Time: 12 minutesTemperature: 68F / 20CCamera: Kodak 3A Autographic (Early 1900’s)Film: Ilford Delta 100 – 120Notes: 2 of 4 shots were good. (1st and 4th – Two Middle Exposures were no good) Development:Pour Developer in Tank – Agitate for 10 seconds1 Minute – Agitate for 10 seconds2 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds3…

Ilford Ilfotec DD-X – TMX 100

Summary:Ratio: 1+4Development Time: 8 minutesTemperature: 68F / 20CFilm: 35mm x 36 TMax 100 & 120mm TMax 100 Shot at 400 ISONotes: Increased development time by 1 minute to push the 120 film. Development:Pour Developer in Tank – Agitate for 10 seconds1 Minute – Agitate for 10 seconds2 Minutes – Agitate for 10 seconds3 Minutes –…

Graflex Speed Graphic – 4×5 Anniversary – First Photos

I found some time today to take the Speed Graphic out for some test shots. I brought 6 film holders with me and wound up taking two photos. I could have taken more, but I was more anxious to get something so I could rush home and develop the negatives. My focus was really on…

Glaflex Speed Graphic – Cleaning & Restoration

I recently purchased a Graflex 4×5 Anniversary Speed Graphic. Upon receiving it, my first impression, as described here, is overall very positive. Now that I’ve completed the initial external inspection, it was time to get a closer look. Mostly disassembled with the bellows removed. I used cotton swabs and Q-Tips with rubbing alcohol to wipe…

Evaluating My New Speed Graphic

Any time I buy a vintage camera online outside of eBay, I go through a semi-agonizing anticipation of what’s to come. You hope the description of its condition is accurate and that you and the seller are speaking in the same terms. Mint almost always means mint and Excellent is often excellent. When you wade…

Caffenol – Ilford Delta 100

Ilford Delta 100 – 1500ml Recipe Overview: Below is the Caffenol recipe and development process I’ve been using to develop Ilford Delta 100 film at home.  The volumes below work well for developing 4×5 sheet film or multiple rolls of 35mm and/or 120 film in the Paterson Multi-Reel 3 Tank.  Adjust the volumes as necessary or,…

Medium Format

Minolta – FSU

Taken on the Florida State University campus with the Minolta.